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アクションQuotationPostsActive?LengthPost Twitter 140?Post ADN 256?Post LinkedIn 700?Post Facebook or G+ 5000?Random NumberMin of PostsMin Number of Posts?Selected Quotation?# MarkedBuffer Profile #s if TwitterBuffer Profile #s if ADNBuffer Profile #s if LinkedinBuffer Profile #s if FD or G+Buffer Profiles StringId
If deceiving the eye were the only *business* of the art, there is no doubt, indeed, but the minute painter would be more apt to succeed; but it is not the eye, it is the mind, which the painter of genius desires to address; nor will he waste a moment upon those smaller objects, which only serve to catch the sense, to divide the attention, and to counteract his great design of speaking to the heart. —Joshua Reynolds, 1723 - 1792
0はい432はいはい68200はい052c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD292
Real estate is at the core of almost every business, and it's certainly at the core of most people's wealth. In order to build your wealth and improve your business smarts, you need to know about real estate. —Donald Trump
1はい222はいはいはい96460052c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD506
I can't bear to face a camera. But I never brought anything to this business and I have no respect for acting. Maybe if I had learned something it would be different. But I never did anything to be proud of. —Ava Gardner, 1922 - 1990
1はい233はいはいはい36510052c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD193
The Jews had, as a matter of fact, long been all along the most ingenious entrepreneurs. It was only our own future that we had never built upon a business basis. —Theodor Herzl, 1860 - 1904
1はい190はいはいはい62700052c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD575
That what is true of business and politics is gloriously true of the professions, the arts and crafts, the sciences, the sports. That the best picture has not yet been painted; the greatest poem is still unsung; the mightiest novel remains to be written; the divinest music has not been conceived even by Bach. In science, probably ninety-nine percent of the knowable has to be discovered. We know only a few streaks about astronomy. We are only beginning to imagine the force and composition of the atom. Physics has not yet found any indivisible matter, or psychology a sensible soul. —Lincoln Steffens, 1866 - 1936
1はい617はいはい13400052c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD541
To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time. —Leonard Bernstein 1918-1990
1はい111はいはいはいはい94280052c8fd690a0e320e2a000049 52c906a80a0e32092a00007b52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fd690a0e320e2a000049 52c906a80a0e32092a00007b 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD879
I'm the luckiest old broad on two feet because my life is divided absolutely in half - half animals and half show business. You can't ask for better than two things you love the most. —Betty White
1はい196はいはいはい61810052c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD285
Most business plans fail. Obviously, a success is not a realistic goal. But the people responsible for the most spectacular failures get promoted first because of their experience. —Scott Adams
1はい193はいはいはい75090052c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD422
There's no point in going into business unless you do it out of frustration. I'm sure Steve Jobs must have felt, I can do that better. —Richard Branson
1はい151はいはいはい13040052c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD661
Our very business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves. —Thomas L. Monson
1はい105はいはいはいはい56970052c8fd690a0e320e2a000049 52c906a80a0e32092a00007b52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058@profiles 52c8fd690a0e320e2a000049 52c906a80a0e32092a00007b 52c8fdf80a0e32f72900004f 52c8fea1c43ab5931000009e 52c905ec0a0e322a2900005a 52c8ff01c43ab591100000ba 52c8fdaa0a0e32132b00006a 52c905c70a0e320e2a000058QOTD488
総計 (Grand Total)65734164986887902241

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