Suicide Prevention Life Phone - toll-free telephone consultations is available on 10th of each month from 8 am to 8 am of the next day. Starting June 20, 2020, this toll-free telephone consultations is also available from 16 pm to 21 pm on everyday, for people who are in various difficulties and sufferings in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.
Phone Numbers for other languages: Tokyo English Inochi No Denwa 03-5774-0992 (English Only, 9:00 ~23:00) Yokohama Inochi No Denwa 0120-66-2477 (Spanish)
外国語対応電話番号: 東京英語いのちの電話 03-5774-0992 (英語のみ 9:00 ~23:00) 横浜いのちの電話 0120-66-2477 (スペイン語)
"Kokoro no Mimi" Telephone Consultation supports workers, their families, and designated HR personnel in charge of labor at their companies. Contact them about any mental health problems due to overwork, and to take advantage of their "stress check" program, started from Dec 2015. Your privacy will be strictly maintained.
つながらない場合は… 23区:03-3212-2323 多摩地区:042-521-2323
Tokyo residents can contact this helpdesk if they feel concerned about COVID-19.
FRESC in Yotsuya, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo (in the Komore Yotsuya building), provides "one stop" consultation and assistance to foreign workers. Eight government-affiliated organizations including Immigration, Labor Bureau, JETRO and the Japan Legal Support Center, have offices there. Reception in 11 languages, despite a Japanese-only website as of 9 July 2020. Alternate phone number 03-5363-3013 for IP phones and overseas.
Answering your COVID-19 infection questions.
Testing Availability Dates and Times:
Japan Disaster Alert communication system.
For phones with SIM cards from the major carriers in Japan (SoftBank, KDDI Au, NTT DoCoMo), navigate to iOS Settings, Notifications, then scroll down and tap "Emergency Alerts" to ON, to receive alerts directly to your mobile device.
大三キャリアSoftBank、KDDI Au又はNTT DoCoMoのSIMカードでしたら、iOS設定、設置へ移動し、スクロールすると、緊急速報をタップしONにすると、直接モバイル機器にも緊急速報通知が受信頂けます。
NERV is an app that delivers optimized disaster prevention and weather information, such as earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption alerts, or flood and landslide information based on the user's registered location. Japan residents and visitors can get real time information to help them take appropriate action.
For mobiles with Android 8.1 (or later), you can directly receive Emergency alerts. Here's how to enable for SoftBank, KDDI Au, and NTT DoCoMo (in Japanese).
Android 8.1以降搭載のモバイルでしたら、緊急速報を受信頂けます。異なりますそれぞれの設定方法をご覧ください:SoftBank、KDDI Au、又はNTT DoCoMo
NHK's News and alert app for Smartphones. Enable alert notifications in settings.
Digi Police is an app created by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency, to help fight crime. It has an SOS Message mode, that allows a person being molested (on the train) to stay silent while broadcasting the situation. In Japanese language.
Digi Police は、警視庁犯罪抑止対策本部が東京都内の犯罪発生情報や防犯情報をお届けする防犯アプリです。SOSメッセージモードの機能があり、例えば、声を出しにくい場所(電車の中)で痴漢撃退機能機能を使用して画面表示と音声(日本語)でSOSメッセージとして周囲に助けを求めることができます。
Multilingual iOS smartphone app with GPS guide maps, to help Japan visitors find hospitals and clinics.
Quake alert smartphone app with in-app purchases.
地震情報 アプリ (アプリ内課金あり)
A multilingual disaster safety tips and early warning app for quake, tsunami, volcano, weather warnings (etc).
A multilingual smartphone app, with evacuation area map (offline ok), which helps confirm contacts' safety.
From antennas installed along Expressways, Nexco provides road traffic information via AM radio broadcasting (on 1620 kHz) updated every 5 minutes.
Inquiries related to power failures and electricity charges. 0120-995-002 is for "1st Area" in Tokyo only, so check website for other areas' phone numbers.
0120-995-002: サービス区域(東京第一)その他の電気に関するご用件。その他サービス区域はウェブサイトからご確認ください。
For questions in English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish, regarding fees, repairing water leaks or other problems. Dial 03-5326-1100 for Change of Address or Contract.
料金、漏水修繕、その他のご用件。日本語はもちろんだが、英語、中国語、韓国語、ポルトガル語、スペイン語も対応可能。お引っ越し、ご契約の変更は 03-5326-1100 までどうぞ。
New Service as of 2018
0120-805262(Chinese) 0120-805263(Korean)
0120-805-261 (英語) 0120-805262(中国語) 0120-805263(韓国語)
The Tokyo Rape Crisis Center, established 1983, provides telephone counseling to female victims of sexual violence. The center never reveals the content of counseling under any circumstances to protect victims' privacy.
Japan Meteorological Agency provides following warnings / advisories.
Info on temporary stay facilities, shelters, evacuation areas, water supply points and medical institutions, etc.
Disaster Preparedness Tokyo guidebook
Searches personal safety info registered in its database or Google Person Finder, by name or phone number.
Portal Site for Disaster Prevention Information Ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Posting and reading messages is possible with this service. Check details on how to use, and service report.
Testing Availability Dates and Times: 1st and 15th of each month: 0:00-24:00 New years: 1 Jan 00:00~3 Jan 24:00
【体験利用提供日】 毎月1日, 15日 00:00~24:00 正月三が日(1月1日00:00~1月3日24:00)
Phone support service for foreign visitors lost-and-found provided in English, Chinese, and Korean.
列車時刻、運賃・料金、空席情報案内は 050-2016-1600
At Iidabashi Station (N10 on the Namboku Line)
You can also fax to 03-5757-8219, 24x7, 365d, but the answer to your inquiry will be made during normal business hours only.
FAX: 03-5757-8219、24時間受付、回答は営業時間内。
If you do know where you lost the article, please check the linked website for detailed info on more specific contact numbers.
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